Whenever we gain an advantage, we feel happy. Particularly today, when costs are high, 1GB of additional data is sufficient to satisfy our needs. Even so, Airtel is continuously providing its customers with extra data offers.
Kurkure or Lays chips can be purchased with an Airtel data code and used to claim Airtel Data Codes. Users of Airtel can benefit from this free gift without charging anything. We do something similar on our website.
It is my first objective in this article to demonstrate how to activate and use the free data code provided by Airtel with the Lays and Kurkure chips. The following is an explanation of how you can obtain free Airtel data vouchers in addition to this Lays offer.
Free Airtel Data Coupon Codes using Kurkure or Lays Packets
Free Airtel data is included with your tasty snacks. You will only be able to take advantage of the offer for a limited time.
Several other Airtel offers will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Free data is one of the features that can be accessed through your Airtel connection.
- Go to your local grocery store and buy Lays or Kurkure packets
- There are several online food delivery platforms, such as Instamart, Swiggy, Bigbasket, and Jiomart, that offer online food ordering.
- Check every packet to see if it contains the text “Get 2GB of free data.”.
- Your Kurkure carries a 12-digit data code which you can use to download free content.
If you tear the pack open, you will find the 12-digit code. Be sure to type the coupon code correctly. Here are the steps you need to take in order to claim your Airtel data:
- Make sure you have Airtel Thanks installed on your phone.
- Select the ‘Manage’ tab from the app’s home page.
- Visit the coupons and rewards tabs
- To claim your coupon code, select “Got a code?” Click “Claim Now.”.
- Enter the 12-digit promotional code from your Kurkure or Lays package.
- Tap on ‘Claim Now’ to begin the process.
- Once you have claimed the code, you will receive free data to your mobile number.
Airtel Free Data Code 2025 – Quick Overview
Here’s a simplified table of Airtel Free Data Offers in 2025:
Offer | How to Get It | Free Data |
1. 30GB Free Data (Missed Call) | Call 51111 after inserting a new Airtel 4G/5G SIM. Wait for 6 hours before dialing. | 30GB |
2. 365GB Data (SIM Swap) | Go to an Airtel store, swap your old SIM for a new one, then call 51111. | 30GB/month |
3. 30GB Free Data (VoLTE Service) | Activate VoLTE service on Airtel’s VoLTE Beta page. | 30GB |
4. 60GB Data (Postpaid) | Text “SURPRISE” to 121 from your postpaid number. | 60GB |
5. 10GB Free Data (Dial 5999555) | Call 5999555 from your Airtel number. Wait for a message confirming your 10GB data. | 10GB |
6. 2GB Free Data (Prepaid) | Use the Airtel Thanks App to recharge with specific plans (like Rs. 65, Rs. 98, etc.). | 2GB |
7. 1GB Free Data (Kurkure/Lays) | Buy a Kurkure or Lays pack with a promo code. Enter the code in the Airtel Thanks App. | 1GB |
8. 2GB Free Data (Airtel Thanks App) | Recharge via the Airtel Thanks App. | 2GB |
9. 2GB Free Data (Bank Offer) | Create an Airtel Payments Bank account in the Airtel Thanks App. | 2GB |
10. 2GB Data by Dialing 52122 | Dial 52122 from your prepaid Airtel number. Wait for a message confirming your 2GB data. | 2GB |
11. Refer-A-Friend for Vouchers | Share your referral link in the Airtel Thanks App. | Rs. 100–300 vouchers |
12. UPI Cashback Offer | Make UPI payments through the Airtel Thanks App. | Rs. 30 (on first 3 UPI payments) |
Free Airtel Data Code
Free Airtel Data Codes |
1A2B3C4D5E6F |
7G8H9I0J1K2L |
3M4N5O6P7Q8R |
9S0T1U2V3W4X |
5Y6Z7A8B9C0D |
1E2F3G4H5I6J |
7K8L9M0N1O2P |
3Q4R5S6T7U8V |
9W0X1Y2Z3A4B |
5C6D7E8F9G0H |
1I2J3K4L5M6N |
7O8P9Q0R1S2T |
3U4V5W6X7Y8Z |
9A0B1C2D3E4F |
5G6H7I8J9K0L |
1M2N3O4P5Q6R |
7S8T9U0V1W2X |
3Y4Z5A6B7C8D |
9E0F1G2H3I4J |
5K6L7M8N9O0P |
Free data code for Airtel

Airtel Free Data Coupon Code (Lays) |
1P2Q3R4S5T6U |
7V8W9X0Y1Z2A |
3B4C5D6E7F8G |
9H0I1J2K3L4M |
5N6O7P8Q9R0S |
1T2U3V4W5X6Y |
7Z8A9B0C1D2E |
3F4G5H6I7J8K |
9L0M1N2O3P4Q |
5R6S7T8U9V0W |
1X2Y3Z4A5B6C |
7D8E9F0G1H2I |
3J4K5L6M7N8O |
9P0Q1R2S3T4U |
5V6W7X8Y9Z0A |
1B2C3D4E5F6G |
7H8I9J0K1L2M |
3N4O5P6Q7R8S |
9T0U1V2W3X4Y |
5Z6A7B8C9D0E |
Rather than Airtel’s free data code, you can use the Amazon Pay code
With Amazon Pay, you can also get free Amazon Pay balances. You can contact my website FreeGiftZone regarding this matter.
During each day of the year, our website and Telegram account share free Amazon gift card codes.
Amazon gift cards can be purchased in several ways. Amazon created these codes exclusively for its customers. With Amazon Pay on your smartphone, you can redeem these codes for credit.
Amazon Pay lets you recharge your mobile number from any operator, including Airtel, Jio, and Vi. More free data is available when you recharge through Amazon Pay.
As part of our Telegram group, we commonly share the following Amazon gift card codes:
Coupon code for Amazon gift cards |
84YP-LVWEJ2-R45T |
63QZ-MBXTK3-U56V |
52WA-NYUCR4-V67W |
41XB-OZVDS5-W78X |
30YC-PAWET6-X89Y |
29ZD-QBXFU7-Y90Z |
18VE-RCYGU8-Z01X |
07WF-SDZHV9-A12W |
96XG-TEAIW0-B23V |
85YH-UFBJX1-C34U |
74ZI-VGCKY2-D45T |
63WJ-WHDJZ3-E56S |
52VK-XIEKA4-F67R |
41WL-YJFLB5-G78Q |
30XM-ZKGMC6-H89P |
29YN-ALHND7-I90O |
18ZO-BMIEO8-J01N |
07AP-CNJFP9-K12M |
96BQ-DOKGQ0-L23L |
85CR-EPLHR1-M34K |
It’s just a matter of adding the code’s balance to Amazon Pay. Using that wallet, you can free-charge your mobile phone for unlimited data.
- 15+ Free VI Data Codes [Vodafone-Idea]
- 20+ Jio Free Data Codes [Enjoy Free Internet]
- 25+ Free Flipkart Gift Cards Today
- Free Roblox Accounts and Passwords with Robux
Making a telephone call
Trying some numbers may be helpful. Because my data comes from a variety of online sources, I’m not sure how effective these methods are. You may want to take a chance with it, though. This information might be useful to you as well, depending on your luck.
- Try Dialing these numbers
- Give a missed call to 125346.
- Give a missed call to 5999555.
- Dial 52122 from your phone.
- Try dialling 52141 to check if you get free 2GB of data.
- Call 54321
- Dial 51111
- Call 121346
- Try dialling the USSD codes *141*567# or *121*100#
How to pay with Paytm
You can get Airtel internet for free if you have a Paytm account.
- You must open the Paytm app on your smartphone or website on your computer before you can use it.
- Fill out the recharge form under the recharge section.
- Type your Airtel mobile number.
- There will be a wide variety of offers available at that time. Please take advantage of any of such offers that suit your needs
- The use of online coupons is also possible.
Upon successful payment, you will receive up to 100% cashback. Paytm’s “Paytm new user offer” has been helpful in recharging Airtel for me personally. Cashback can be used for free data and talktime.
If you have an Airtel number, you can get free data by using this Paytm new user offer.
How to earn Flipkart SuperCoins
The Amazon and Flipkart apps are two of the most popular smartphone apps. Using your Flipkart SuperCoins to recharge Airtel is possible if you have a Flipkart account.
You can obtain Airtel Data Codes using Flipkart Super Coins by following the following steps:
- Access Flipkart by opening its app or website. You can find it under ‘SuperCoin’.
- Select ‘Recharge’ from the menu.
- Choose ‘Airtel’ as the operator and enter your Airtel mobile number.
- Select how much you want to recharge. After selecting SuperCoin, your coins balance will be applied.
- SuperCoins will be credited with the discount. Consequently, there is a reduction in the final recharge due.
- Lastly, complete the recharging process.
The SuperCoin recharge will give you both talktime and data, as well as 2GB of free data.
Next time you’re planning to recharge your Airtel, simply use this Flipkart SuperCoin trick. Your Flipkart coins balance will serve you as a recharge as well as free internet data.
On my website, I’m giving away Flipkart gift cards for free. Free Flipkart Card Codes will be awarded to participants in the giveaway.
These steps will guide you to getting free data with your Airtel number. You can find all the latest Airtel data codes in my warehouse. Aside from that, you can also find codes for Amazon gift cards on this page.
It is essential that you are logged in to this page in order to copy the code quickly. In addition, each trick should be tried individually. In addition, you can share any other tips for getting free Airtel data in the comments section below.